"Leatherina awarded Guaranteed Membership of WFTO"
Nazm Us Saadat, Dhaka, 21 September, 2021
Leatherina Ltd was awarded guaranteed membership of the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO) in March 2021. This membership comes as a mark of social and environmental commitments demonstrated and implemented by the company. It has become ever more critical for businesses to visualise a sustainable future while setting the organisational mission and vision. And team Leatherina has done just that.
The WFTO is a worldwide community of ethical businesses that have successfully embedded fair trade in their operations. Leatherina has been practising ethical trade since its inception. A producer of high-quality leather products, the company has been actively involved in pursuing gender equality among its staff and artisans, reducing social inequalities by providing work opportunities, and ensuring responsible production and consumption of their products.
But securing a guaranteed membership takes more than just slogans of impact. The WFTO is an extensive network of business communities that relies on peer reviews and independent audits for an extended period before handing its prestigious membership. The membership speaks for Leatherina’s transparency, effective communications with businesses, consumers and all kinds of vendors about its commitment to ethical trade, with which the company founder has never compromised. It is her relentless effort to look after the welfare of her artisans that made her stand out for the WFTO to take note of, whose international membership system holds the interest of the workers, farmers and artisans on high pedestals.
Leatherina Ltd’s accreditation as a WFTO verified company is the offshoot of their business communications with European buyers, who, as part of the compliance required to do business, directed Leatherina to have their business evaluated for WFTO membership. The WFTO Guarantee System is a trusted global verification model of social companies. Team Leatherina’s verification manifests its commitment to the ten fair trade practices outlined by the WFTO. They are creating opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers, transparency and accountability, fair trade practices, fair payments (prices, wages, local wages), no child labour or forced labour, commitment to non-discrimination (gender equity, women’s empowerment and freedom of association), ensuring good working conditions, ensuring capacity building, promoting fair trade, and respect for the environment.
Leatherina was founded on the values of gender equality, social inclusion, ethical environmental production and climate change mitigation. Each leather product from Leatherina is ethically sourced, fairly produced and fairly priced. Currently, Leatherina operates at two levels, business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C). On a business-to-business basis, Leatherina operates as an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and undertakes corporate sales. At the business-to-consumer level, the company sells high-quality genuine leather products through its own label, Gootipa.