Established in


Monthly Production Capacity


Gender Equality and Social Inclusion


Manufacturing facility

5500 sq ft


Founded in 2016, we are a women-owned, sustainable leather goods manufacturer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. At Leatherina, we aspire for a better world, together. As a change maker in the leather industry in Bangladesh, every bag is handmade, using sustainable leather and ethically sourced textiles. 

With our equitable and majority female workforce, our growth directly contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals 5, 10 and 12 through gender equality and women’s economic empowerment, poverty reduction and reduction of inequality, and responsible consumption and production.

As a member of the World Fair Trade Organization, gender equality, social inclusion, ethical environmental production and climate change mitigation are at the forefront of our mission. With each bag sold, together, we are empowering peaceful progress. This principle is not only evident in our production, but also among our stakeholders and subcontractors. We are firmly committed to a safe and fair manufacturing culture all along our value chain.

At Leatherina, we maintain business-to-business (B2B) partnership opportunities for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), such as our successful cooperation with the Netherlands based MYoMY, corporate sales, or business-to-consumer (B2C) sales via our label, Gootipa.

Why Leatherina

As a fair-trade bag producer in Bangladesh, and a guaranteed member of the World Fair Trade Organization, we were born to make an impact. We strive to transform our local community, and the larger leather industry in Bangladesh as a pioneer in sustainability, craftsmanship, up-cycling, effective governance, and empowering women in the workforce. We take pride in the following:

  • We are an industry leader in craftsmanship for high quality products among leather bag manufacturers in Bangladesh;
  • Through efficient governance, production, and trade service, we live up to our word to ensure that leather bags made in Bangladesh are regarded highly as our abundant garments industry.
  • Implementing global innovation and trends in environmentally conscious production, we are setting a benchmark for the leather accessories manufacturers Bangladesh.
  • Thanks to our brilliant Research and Development team, we are never short of new concepts;
  • As the leading environment friendly bag manufacturer in Bangladesh, wedo not hesitate to go out of our way to guarantee sustainable production for a safer planet and its people.

As a guaranteed member of the World Fair Trade Organization, we adhere to the following WFTO principles:

  1. Creating opportunities for economically marginalised producers
  2. Transparency and accountability
  3. Fair trading practices
  4. Fair payment
  5. Ensuring no child labour and forced labour
  6. Commitment to non-discrimination, gender equity and women’s economic
  7. Empowerment and freedom of association
  8. Ensuring good working conditions
  9. Providing capacity building
  10. Promoting fair trade
  11. Respect for the environment

Our Value Chain

As a women-owned business and guaranteed member of the World Fair Trade Organisation, we are a leather industry leader in Bangladesh. Each product created combines an artisan approach to design, handmade and machine craftsmanship, and the utmost focus on quality standards.

We are continually researching techniques to ensure the best results in creating and designing using a diverse spectrum of raw materials. Every piece of material and trim is hand selected to confirm our utmost commitment to quality standard, chic design, and functionality.

Through fair working conditions for employees, and a dedication to the betterment of our community, we are continually upskilling our young artisans ultimately making a positive impact in their lives, and within the industry. Being a change maker in the Bangladeshi leather goods industry is the goal we strive for every day.

Our Ethical Supply Chain is ruled by the following regulations:

  • Our company uses natural leather sourced from Leather Working Group (LWG) certified suppliers and other verified sources.
  • As a sustainable bag manufacturer in Bangladesh, most of our bag linings are coming from regenerated sources and natural cotton materials.
  • As a responsible leather goods manufacturer in Bangladesh, we utilize materials from the local suppliers and artisans whenever possible to minimize our carbon footprint.
  • Like the primary materials, trims are also sourced from responsible and certified suppliers.
  • Our first choice is always bio compostable and recycled packaging in our never-ending quest to discover the most environmentally friendly packaging alternatives.
  • Aiming to be the trusted leather bag supplier in Bangladesh, we are committed to source our raw materials from verified suppliers who do not engage child or forced labour and do not exploit wages. Before purchasing goods from small businesses, we employ our own monitoring and verification system to screen out the unfair practices from the supply chain.
  • Our anti-plastic policy restricts excessive usage of plastic and petroleum-based materials, such as PU, PVC, PPE, and so on while we assess alternatives for interlining and reinforcement. Plastic is our last choice to use, and we avoid it unless it is a must. However, we have been using recycled PET fabric which were sourced from certified suppliers.

In support and collaboration