There Is No Climate Justice Without Fair Trade

The international community must confront trade injustice, enforce transparency and accountability in supply chains, and secure climate financing mechanisms, living incomes and wages for the world’s smallholder agricultural producers, artisans and workers in order to successfully address the climate crisis and guarantee a sustainable future for all, the world’s leading Fair Trade organizations announced today.

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Leather and Footwear SMEs

The leather industry is the second largest earner of foreign currencies of Bangladesh after RMG. In order to exploit the country’s full potentials in this sector, the Bangladesh Government identified leather as a thrust sector for export. Ample supply of hides and skins, their fine grain pattern, uniform fiber structure, and competitive labor cost contribute to the overall competitiveness.

Leatherina launched the pilot project “Mission Zero Waste”

Responding to the critical needs of the corona
virus pandemic, Leatherina dived into researching
facemask materials, and experimenting with
protective, convenient and breathable designs, in
the first weeks of the outbreak.